Thursday, June 19, 2008

This blog is not about mental health...

I just returned from Ichthus 2008 ( For those unfamiliar, Ichthus is like a Christian Woodstock. I can't imagine a better festival for me because I love music, I love the outdoors, and I love God. It's a wonderful opportunity to leave the everyday routine behind and spend three days focused on worshipping God.

In addition to the concerts, there are terrific speakers. My blog title, I should be committed, was inspired by one of this year's messages. Justin Lookadoo ( spoke about the difference between "experience" and "commitment". He shared about an "experience" he had skydiving. Later in his message, J.C. Colclasure, a "committed" parachuter with thousands of jumps experience, dropped from a plane right over the festival main stage. His flight seemed graceful at first, but then the speed of his descent seemed to increase dramatically. In the last few seconds before he landed at the edge of the crowd of thousands, I think I could have reached up and grabbed his leg - or been kicked in the face by a less "committed" parachuter! It was a thrill to watch. How much more thrilling for him! Justin Lookadoo continued his message and challenged us to a deeper, more committed, relationship with God.

I do want more than a casual experience of Christianity. I want to be...I AM committed to more.... So, if you're wondering why I didn't title my blog, "I am committed" instead of "I should be committed", here's why: I've had struggles in the past with depression, and times when I felt like "I should be committed". During those times, I searched on-line for sites that might help me cope. I guess I'd like to think that there is some, however slight, possibility that my title, "I should be committed", might cause someone who feels like they're losing their grasp, to stumble upon, read my blog, and be helped by what I've learned. What I've learned is this: Commitment to God is the answer. During the worst and best days of life, my relationship with God is the only thing that sustains me. I wish I could say that I've gained victory in all areas of my life and all my struggles are in the past. I can't say that. But I can say that I know if I remain committed to God, He will lead me like a Shepherd and I will have joy in the journey wherever He leads.

(Update: I am leaving the address for my blog as "Ishouldbecommitted" but I've changed the title already. Writers perogative you know.)

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